Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Neverending Story

Behind the decayed remains of a renovation halted mid-stream, scaffoling goes up, grows old and creaky, then comes down. Workers mill about, clearing months-old trash and debris, then retreat, allowing another generation of weed-choked garbage to accumulate. This tired process has continued for years at the unending project again underway at this apartment building on Kingston Avenue between Eastern Parkway and Lincoln Place. A shiny new web of scaffold is again rising at the site, this time accompanied by a green fabric shield that stretches across the entire front. Does the renewed activity mean something will finally be finished here? Will this renovation ever be completed? Are the developers competing for some sort of "longest continually standing scaffold" competition? Your guess is as good as mine. Anyone have a clue as to what's going on here?


Anonymous said...

Modern art?

Anonymous said...

I don't know what's going on, but I wish they'd DO something there. I've been looking at that thing for years. And it STINKS there, too!

Anonymous said...

it is for the guests who come here from isreal in tishrei, was meant to be finishd long ago

Anonymous said...

They just dont have enough money to finish it.